Jun 20, 2022
Hydrogen Peroxide sterilization is all around us, but compared to steam, our industry has a long way to go in understanding the true potential of this modality. Is it the solution for higher efficiency? Is it the silver bullet for safer endoscopes? Join us for this exclusive podcast re-release from the 2022 Expert Series™ Conference as we talk to Jean-Luc Lemyre about the background and future of this low temperature workhorse. Jean-Luc outlines how this chemical process works to effect sterilization and discusses when & why it fails. Bring your thinking hat for this one, and make sure to pull in your new technicians to learn about this unique modality!
You can access more content from our Low Temp Sterilization Expert Series™ by visiting: https://www.beyondclean.net/low-temp-expert
Our 2022 Expert Series Conference podcast episodes are individually approved for 1 CE, so once you finish this interview, you can download your CE certificate immediately by passing the short quiz linked below each week.
For access to this CE quiz and over 250 other free CE credits, visit our CE Credit Hub: beyondclean.net/ce-credit-hub
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