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Feb 8, 2021

Have you ever created a hand-made sign for your department? "Don't Touch" "Stack Containers Here" "Press Button for Service" The examples of things we need to communicate in device reprocessing are endless. On this episode 6 of Season 11, we sat down with Garry Bassi, Director, Medical Device Reprocessing & Support Services at Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto), to discuss his unique approach to department signage in the midst of new construction and beyond. Tune in to hear why Garry believes good signage is so important to high performing technicians, and find out the value that strategic planning and professionalism can have on creating high quality workflows.

Season 11 has returned to the 1 Episode = 1 CE delivery model, so once you finish this interview, you can get your 1 CE credit immediately by passing the short quiz linked below each week.

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