Jul 24, 2020
When someone asks if storage is an issue for your Sterile Processing department, what is your first response…to roll your eyes perhaps? But what if looking up…is the ticket? Let’s face it, the need for space in Sterile Processing is an issue for many healthcare facilities and the implications of not having enough storage to keep up with the demand of the OR means potential revenue lost. On this episode of the Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight Series we talk with Amy Flynn, North American OR/CS Market Manager for Hänel Storage Systems about the lessons learned from other industries in using vertical space to combat the storage issues that come with adding new procedures and equipment. The vertical storage carousel technology that has benefited countless industries is available to help decrease the time it takes to pick a case cart, integrate with tracking systems to give real-time inventory data, protect the staff in your department from an ergonomic perspective, and ultimately make better use of what little storage space is available. It’s time to look up and tune in to learn more.
Learn more about Hänel Storage Systems by visiting www.hanel.us. Follow Hänel Storage Systems on LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also e-mail the Hänel Storage Systems team at info@hanel.us. Download case studies and white papers at www.sterilestorage.com.
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