Sep 1, 2022
To celebrate International Beyond Clean Day 2022, we are excited to release an exclusive album dedicated to our Sterile Processing heroes and #CleanFreaks around the globe who fight dirty, every instrument every time. Thanks for all you've done for us over the past five years since we launched Beyond Clean in 2017 by helping us create the leading digital platform for education, engagement, and inspiration in the medical device reprocessing industry! We can't wait to see what's in store for the years to come!
Until then, keep fighting dirty, TURN UP THE VOLUME and enjoy Track 6 from Beyond the Tunes, entitled "It Doesn't Always Have to Be This Way."
Additional album tracks will be releasing throughout the day!
#BeyondTheTunes #BeyondCleanDay #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty #WeEducateDifferently #SterileProcessing #Heroes #Recognition #Value #Respect