Jan 15, 2021
Picture it: you turn on the news and the top story reads: "infectious outbreak linked to hospital and clinic endoscopes." Let the media storm and regulatory survey frenzy begin! As Sterile Processing professionals, this is our industry's worst nightmare and on this Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight, we talk with Ted May from Andersen Sterilizers and Dr. Larry Muscarella from LFM Healthcare Solutions LLC about a one of a kind sterilization technology proven to sterilize the toughest endoscopes on the market. Ted introduces the EOGas 4®-- the first sterilization system to receive FDA clearance for terminal sterilization of duodenoscopes and colonoscopes. Dr. Muscarella offers his device reprocessing expertise to support the use of EO for endoscope sterilization. Tune in now to discover how high efficiency EO sterilization system is ensuring the highest level of sterility for our industry’s toughest endoscopes.
If you are interested in learning more about the EOGas 4® you can visit the Andersen Sterilizers website (www.sterility.com) to sign up for email updates. Follow Andersen Sterilizers on LinkedIn (/company/andersen-sterilizers), Instagram (@asterilizers), Facebook (/andersensterilizers), and YouTube (/user/anpromotion) for exclusive news, product updates, and training tools.