Jan 21, 2019
How has technology impacted our potential to know and follow device manufacturer instructions for use in Sterile Processing? How far have we come and what does the future hold for the technology vs. IFUs challenges within our industry? On this week’s edition of Beyond Clean, we speak with Andy Petrovich about how technology is being used to drive real world compliance in our departments. Don't miss this important conversation and make sure to take the 1 CE Quiz at our CE Credit Hub for chances to win free Sterile Processing resources!
CE Credit -> https://www.beyondclean.net/ce-credit-hub
Join us next week when we will speak with Phil Sayles, Founder and President of Summate Technologies about the Digitalization of Surgical Implant Management.
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#WeFightDirty #BeyondClean #IFU #AndyPetrovich #Podcast #Sponsors #Healthmark #ConsortiaSurgical #SurgeryStartsHere #SterileProcessing #Hospitals #MedicalDevice #Compliance #Giveaways #CEUs