May 20, 2019
Have you ever been asked to reprocess an implant device that had been removed from a patient? Chances are high that you have encountered this scenario at least once in your Sterile Processing career, but to date, there has been very little written or discussed on the topic. How can you ensure the device can be safely cleaned and given to a patient without manufacturer instructions or validation for reprocessing the single use implant? One of the few industry leaders who has provided any insight into this difficult topic is Nancy Chobin, President of Sterile Processing University, so we invited her to join back in Season 4 of the Beyond Clean podcast to try and answer a few of the most pressing questions related to policy and practice. Grab your orthopedic surgeon, Infection Control nurse, and Director of Quality for a pow-wow around this podcast and get the conversation going on explant reprocessing: to do, or not to do. That is the question!
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