Jan 6, 2020
When a problem strikes in Sterile Processing or the Operating Room that puts a patient at risk, the knee jerk reaction is to what? To fire the person responsible. On this Season 7 Rewind episode, we talked with a mathematics major on a full scholarship-turned-Sterile Processing leader about the cultural shift that needs to happen in order to make lasting change in our departments - a shift that looks at the processes that are in place that set your staff up for failure or success. Marjorie Wall talked us through planning for process improvements in a way that will gain support and engagement from frontline staff as well as gain financial and budgetary resources from administration. There’s a point as an industry and as individual leaders where change is imminent. Catch this re-release episode to see how you can be a change agent in your department.
Season 7 episodes were packaged & approved for a total of 5 CEs. Check out the other episodes and take your CE quiz here: https://www.beyondclean.net/season-7-ce-credit-hub
For access to this CE quiz and over 230 other free CE credits, visit our CE Credit Hub: https://www.beyondclean.net/ce-credit-hub
*The opinions expressed in this interview do not reflect the official opinion of any organization the interviewee is affiliated with.
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