May 28, 2019
'The Joint Commission has arrived.' Five words that can cause even the most confident of Sterile Processing leader and frontline technician a mild anxiety attack. Is all of our documentation up to date? Have we checked every employee off on their ultrasonic competencies? Will they find any technicians using incorrect detergent dilutions? This fear of the unknown and the “what if” can be debilitating for many facilities who seek accreditation through The Joint Commission. On this re-release episode from season 1 (which is the 2nd highest downloaded show of the entire Beyond Clean podcast), we talked to Jenny Manderino about how Sterile Processing teams can best prepare for these stressful visits and not be caught off guard. Now with new CE approval, it’s a great time to add a few more tools to your accreditation tool chest and gain a CE while you’re at it. Do not delay, start your TJC preparation today!
CE Credit ->
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#WeFightDirty #BeyondClean #JennyManderino #TheJointCommission #TJC #SterileProcessing #SurgicalInstruments #Survey #Preparedness #Accreditation #InfectionControl #CESponsor#SargentHealthcareStrategies