May 29, 2020
If someone told you there is a way to process a total knee set in 1 hour 23 minutes vs. 4 hours and 7 minutes, would you hesitate? The tune of the conversation in healthcare has changed to that of resuming elective surgeries post-COVID and finding efficiencies is the only way to keep up with the increasing case load. What are the products that can help surgery centers and hospitals with both efficiency and safety? On this week’s release of the Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight Series, we talk to Chuck Kemp, President of Education for Innovative Sterilization Technologies about how the ONE TRAY® Sealed Sterilization Containers and EZ-TRAX™- a fully customizable way to consolidate your trays - can speed up processes, maintain patient safety measures, and get the OR and surgeons what they need when they need it at a pace necessary to meet the demand. It is said that an OR minute costs $150/minute. How much could your OR be saving with this system? Tune in now to find out.
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#VendorSpotlight #Efficiency #Consolidation #Safety #ONETRAY #EZTRAX #PostCOVID #SterileProcessing #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty #SPD #CS #MDR #SPS #Surgery