Oct 28, 2019
What if the one thing standing between an endoscope and a safe outcome is the acknowledgement that antibiotics have been involved in one of the deadliest cover-ups on earth? It’s no secret that flexible endoscopes pose a safety risk. In fact, mishandled flexible endoscopes have been identified in ECRI’s Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2019 and have led to infectious outbreaks and death. Is sterilization of flexible endoscopes the ultimate solution or is there another option? We talk to Dr. Larry Muscarella about the evolution of bacteria that has led to the need for a paradigm shift in endoscope reprocessing.
#DrLarryMuscarella #EndoscopeReprocessing #ParadigmShift #Transmission #Infection #AntibioticCoverUp #SafeSurgery #WeAreSPD #SterileProcessing #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty #Podcast #Education #Season6 #SPD #CS #MDR #SPS #Surgery
Additional resource: https://www.gastroendonews.com/In-the-News/Article/10-19/Which-Flexible-Scopes-Really-Need-Sterilization-/56210