Jan 20, 2020
As healthcare professionals, we go to great lengths to make sure that our Operating Rooms are safe and that the sterility of medical devices is maintained to prevent harm to patients. What if, after all that effort, the culprit for spreading illness is actually your HVAC system? A potential breeding ground for biological growth, mold and mildew, the design of your HVAC system takes on a critical role in the Operating Room. On this Season 7 Rewind of Beyond Clean, we talked to HVAC expert, David Schurk, about a topic that has been top of mind for healthcare professionals everywhere in recent months- MOLD! and all things temperature, humidity and airflow in surgical services that help minimize infection and keep staff comfortable. Tune in now to this timely and thought-provoking interview.
Season 7 episodes were packaged & approved for a total of 5 CEs. Check out the other episodes and take your CE quiz here: https://www.beyondclean.net/season-7-ce-credit-hub