Mar 31, 2020
On this release of the Beyond Clean "COVID-19 Impact Series", we speak with Buffy Lloyd-Krejci, CIC, an infection preventionist in Arizona about what she is seeing on the frontlines.
As the global voice of Sterile Processing we want to provide an outlet and conduit for frontline information and best practices to be exchanged as quickly and easily as possible during this pandemic. To meet this need, Beyond Clean has opened up an ANONYMOUS voicemail hotline and SKYPE account for Sterile Processing professionals to give our global audience an update on how COVID-19 is impacting their hospitals and SPD/CSSD departments.
To provide the most helpful insight, we only require that you give us your:
1) Country, region, or state, and
2) Specific impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to your SPD/CSSD workflow, staffing, supplies, etc.
If you would like to give us your name and have approval to go "on the record" we can do that as well.
There are two options to access our voicemail hotline:
USA: +1 (484) 713-9260
International & USA: Beyond Clean (on SKYPE)
Stay tuned to our podcast feed and social media accounts for update releases in the coming days. And stay safe out there!
#COVID19 #ImpactSeries #VoicesFromTheFrontlines #SPD #CSSD #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty #Hotline #Updates