Oct 7, 2019
With the medical device world around us changing on a daily basis, why shouldn't we expect our Sterile Processing staffing technologies to change with it? On Episode 2, Season 6 of Beyond Clean, we talk with Brian Reed about predictive staffing in CS/SPD and discuss how data can be leveraged to make staffing decisions for your department that are more than just a good guess. Tune in to hear about how this innovative concept could change the way you approach the challenge of growing surgical volume and traditional staffing shortfalls. Grab your CFO, shift lead, and frontline technicians for this one!
CE Credit -> https://www.beyondclean.net/ce-credit-hub
#BeyondClean #WeFightDirty #Podcast #BrianReed #SterileProcessing #Data #PredictiveStaffing #Staffing #Technology #SPD #CSSD #MDR #WeAreSPD #SurgeryStartsHere #Surgery