Apr 28, 2023
When you think of Sterile Processing water quality, do you breathe a sigh of relief or feel a little jolt of anxiety run down your spine? How about when you consider a big SPD renovation that may require mobile reprocessing during construction? Do you have confidence in your options? Join us for this week’s exclusive Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight™ featuring mmic™ Medical Systems & VERDA Water Quality Systems, as we talk to industry disruptors Jeffrey Paquet, President & CEO and Rafe Hembree, Regional Business Development about how their teams are equipping Sterile Processing with true compliance. With their Sterile Processing focus, mmic™ and VERDA's collective missions are to improve the SPD environment by helping the people in Sterile Processing speak their truth. Tune in to hear how you can move your department toward real compliance, and get your team's water & mobile projects completed quicker, with less time and resources from your team!
For more information, you can visit mmic™ & VERDA on Linkedin, Facebook, or on the web at: www.mmicmedical.com and www.verdawater.com
Email at: sales@mmicmedical.com or sales@verdawater.com // or call them at 800-748-2322
#VERDA #mmic #waterquality #mobilesystems #BeyondClean #VendorSpotlight #SterileProcessing #WeFightDirty